Call of Duty: Black Ops is a
first-person shooter with stealth and tactical play aspect that puts
players in the role of a shadow soldier fighting in a variety of
historically representative fictional Black Ops missions of the Cold War
era. Created with the input of actual Black Ops soldiers from the time,
the game mixes traditional
Call of Duty tactical shooter
gameplay with new gameplay options designed to expand the players'
experience. Additional features include extensive multiplayer options,
along with new vehicles and explosive new weapons.
Putting Out the Hotspots of the Cold War Follow-up to 2009’s blockbuster
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,
Call of Duty: Black Ops breaks new ground in the
Call of Duty series and the video game industry at large by delving into the not-so cold conflicts of the Cold War.
Inspired by the experiences of real Black Ops soldiers of the era, the missions of
Call of Duty: Black Ops
take the player to a wide variety of settings, ranging from snowbound
mountain strongholds in historical Soviet held territories, to the
jungles and urban settings of Vietnam War era SE Asia. Throughout all,
care has been taken to maintain the traditional essence of
Call of Duty
style combat, while also introducing new types of player action that
add to the gameplay experience. Additional features include co-op,
versus and team-based multiplayer options, new vehicles like the SR-71
Blackbird and lethal new weapons such as explosive-tipped crossbows.
Key Game Features
- Seventh installment of the Call of Duty series, based on the live fire conflicts of the Cold War era.
- Diverse
variety of play setting ranging from urban air and ground combat in SE
Asia, to snow combat in Soviet region and jungle combat.
- Blending of traditional COD, and new first-person character scenarios designed to both retain the essence of the COD gaming experience and ensure constantly flowing and varied action.
- New
arsenal of weapons and vehicles tied to the Cold War era, including the
SR-71 Blackbird and sited explosive-tipped crossbows.
- Wide array of play modes including single player, local multiplayer versus and online co-op and multiplayer.
3-D Game Features
- Fully
playable in stereoscopic 3D: the game will be compatible with 3D-ready
HDTVs and 3D PCs utilizing state-of-the-art active shutter 3D glasses,
delivering true depth of field and an unprecedented level of immersion
that is perfectly suited for the Call of Duty action experience.
- Awesome
3D experiences: aim down the sights of your weapons, fly in
helicopters, rappel down mountains, move through highly detailed
environments and more.
- The experience is seamless to use with a
simple menu option to enable stereoscopic 3D or disable it at any time
whether playing in the single player campaign, multiplayer or Zombie
- Playable in both 3D and non-3D on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Call of Duty: Black Ops
for Windows PC is NVIDIA(R) 3D Vision(R)-Ready and supports
stereoscopic 3D gaming using 3D Vision active-shutter glasses and NVIDIA
GeForce GPUs. For Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
- system consoles, 3D
features require a compatible 3D-ready HD TV.
Additional Screenshots:
Customer Reviews
Ok, let me begin this review by saying I love shooters and have been
playing them ever since I was a kid and Wolfenstien was on PC. That
evolved to Goldeneye on Nintendo 64. That all changed when Metal Gear
Solid came out for PS1 and I now wanted a good story to go along with my
gameplay. I have always kind of liked the COD world war series, but
never got into it. When MW1 came out I was blown away, I loved the game
and it had a good story to tell. My only complaint with MW2 was that the
story was not only lacking, but down right stupid. I never got into
multiplayer because I don't have the time to train myself to compete
with a bunch of 5th graders who spend 40 hours a week playing the game.
all leads me to Black Ops, as with all 1st person shooters the campaign
is short, yet good. The action is intense and the overall gaming is
fun. What made the campaign even more fun was that I felt fully drawn
into the game due to the compelling story. I actually wanted to check
out zombies but I could not draw myself away from the campaign in order
to check it out. The story was that good; I wanted to find out what
happens. I'm not going into detail what the story is about because you
probably already read that somewhere else. As far as the graphics, I
thought they looked sharp. The scenery was not as sharp as MW2 because
their seemed to be a haze in the air everywhere I went but it was still
looking good. My favorite part was in Vietnam they started playing rock
music from the time of the Vietnam War, which made it fill even more
As far as zombies go, it's fun to shoot zombies every now and then when I have a few free minutes so it's a nice add-on bonus.
line, if you are a lone wolf player like me, this is definitely the
game for you. If you are a strictly on-line player, read someone else's
When I first bought this game I didn't expect to like it much but it was
a game the hubby wanted. After playing a couple times and adjusting to
the controls I think I am the one playing the most. The Zombie killing
adventure is awesome if it is just you or even if you have online access
as the difficulty gets harder as the levels increase. If you have a
good internet connection the multilayer online feature is really neat as
well as their are different categories you can play in and you are
almost always playing with different people who are at different levels
as far as experience goes. If you are wanting to buy this for a younger
kid I would advise turning off the graphic content as there is a lot of
blood that appears after a kill.
I'm simply astonished and amazed at how well this game has held up to my
expectations thus far. The control i have over customization, from the
perks, attachments and equipment far exceeds what MW2 had to offer.
There's more flexibility, and the level of customization really puts you
in control. I like being able to spend some cash on the items i want
when they become available, and i enjoy being able to tweak them to suit
my playing style. Instead of needing to complete challenges in order to
purchase certain modifications to your weapons, you merely compete for
cash in online play and spend that hard earned cheddar on the items YOU
Thus far, the online experience has been a blast. There
were a few annoyances i had with player health, and in my estimation,
under the core setting it is a little too high. I had countless shots
that i felt should have been kills but weren't because the player health
threshold was so high. Once hardcore mode becomes available to me, i
may start leaning more that way where there is a lot less forgiveness.
The feel, sound and response of the weapons is very pleasing. The shock
response upon striking a target is a nice subtle indication that my
shots were on point. The lack of commando/pro is VERY relieving, and
close quarters combat becomes more of a game of who ADS first or who's
closer for a melee strike. If you miss with a knife, chances are you'll
be shot. There is really no room for error there and that adds a lot of
excitement and tension. It also removes the likelihood of commando
campers as now melee strikes require being far closer to your target to
Most of the familiar perks are still there, though some
of them have different names now (final stand is now second chance, for
instance). Treyarch added a little flare to the pro versions of each
perk by integrating specific tasks that make them more challening to
acquire. For instance, instead of just starting out with unlimited
sprint speed with marathon, you get a longer sprint duration than normal
and must utilize the perk to gain 10 first blood kills, run 26 miles
and cap the flag in Capture The Flag 15 times. Doing this has introduced
me to game styles and tactics i would otherwise have not explored, and
for that Treyarch gets my thumbs up. The rest of the perk pros are
equally as challenging and exciting to work towards.
contracts is fun, as it truly makes achieving certain goals more
worthwhile and instead of being just a number under the statistics page,
you reap the benefits through cold hard cash. If i'm going to attempt
15 head shots with a particular weapon, i like knowing that earning a
couple hundred or even thousand COD points are my incentive for doing
so. I would like it if the contract timers were a tad longer but it's
not too horrible.
Editing player tags is a fun addition, and
there are literally ENDLESS possibilities to what sort of creations a
player can come up with. Emblems can be rotated, enlarged, shrunken,
color swapped, layered, you name it. The sky is the limit here. Treyarch
even included an AWESOME library of banners to choose from (purchasable
with COD points, of course)to add the icing on the cake. For the first
time, your player tag can be truly unique.
Honestly though, the
BEST part of my experience thus far has been the theater option. When
you compete in online play, your matches are actually saved, and you can
go back and review them as well as chop em up for rendering. You can
view each match from ANY players perspective, and there is an option to
view the match in first, third or free camera mode. The possibilities a
player can achieve with this feature are endless. Want to review a match
and see how others played a map to improve your performance? Now you
can. Want to see that awesome game winning kill again? Now you can! Want
to create the best damned kill mash up ever? NOW YOU CAN!
haven't spent the time going through single player mode since i'm more
of an online player anyway, but if single player mode is anything like
my online experience has been, then i look forward to what it has to
offer. There is still a lot more to explore in this game but overall i
give it a five star and i don't see that changing any time soon. I know
it's early, but in my honest estimation, Treyarch really knocked this
one out of the park.
Post release edits:
**Combat training
is a much welcomed addition to the game for FPS newcomers. There are
several levels of AI difficulty to select from which allow players to
hone their skills with each weapon and piece of equipment (unlocked
progressively in the same manner as online play) and allow them to
better grasp and improve their performance on any particular map. Every
map in game is selectable, and players may set up a match to suit their
tastes and skill level. The best part about the AI is that they don't
camp, they have razor sharp aim and on higher difficulty settings it is
as though you're fighting against real, high caliber players.
do still love the emblem editing feature but some things about it kind
of bother me. Layers cannot be renamed, and sometimes you duplicate
certain objects which appear on the list with the same name. I've
screwed up a couple of times trying to resize or angle a particular
layer but accidentally edited the wrong one. We need to be able to
discern layers from each other. I would also have liked it if on top of
everything else we were able to skew shapes.
When I first heard
about customizing the look of our character models, I was under the
impression that we would be able to edit clothing and such, so I was
disappointed to find out that selectable player models were determined
by your first perk type, and the only true customization is in the face
paint option. A bit underwhelming, but not game breaking. I mean, how
often do we see ourselves anyway? There is still the option to add cammo
and emblems to our guns, after all. From the reticle shape and color,
lense color, cammo options and ability to add our emblems and clan tags
to guns there is just so much to choose from to make your weapon your
own. I've seen some cool combos on other players via killcams or
**The one true online grievance i've experienced is the
horrible, HORRIBLE spawn point system, which has been a thoroughly
obnoxious problem since purchasing the game. More often than not when I
am killed I can find myself respawning in the same spot consecutively,
which usually leads to instant or quick death, or near the area where i
was recently killed only to be picked off again. Sometimes i spawn right
where an enemy cobra is floating around and there isn't anything i can
do except soak the death and respawn again. In some games like CtF there
are spawn timers so that only adds to the problem.

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